If you want to supplement wisely, ask yourself this question. Are your supplements helping you or hurting you? I read a Facebook post today that presented that question, and wanted to weigh in. To begin with, all of our supplements should be supplemental. This means that their ... Read More about Supplement Wisely: Four Important Factors
chronic fatigue
Are Toxins Causing Your Fatigue?
How often do people consider exposure to toxins as a part of their fatigue? I had a patient come in once with his wife. He was probably 60, and after questioning him, I discovered that he worked in a high tech manufacturing plant. He painted tactical weapons (they were making ... Read More about Are Toxins Causing Your Fatigue?
Pregnenolone: Do We Need to be Taking it?
So many people taking pregnenolone! I posted recently that I personally didn’t use it in my patient population because I didn’t feel that there was good research in humans to support its use. So I thought I would return to the literature to see if this still held true. I’ll ... Read More about Pregnenolone: Do We Need to be Taking it?
Why your TSH normal range isn’t normal
Have you been told that your TSH is normal when you know that it's really not normal? I'm guessing that the picture looks something like this: You went to your doctor's office with legitimate complaints. You may have been struggling with weight gain, fatigue, cognitive changes, ... Read More about Why your TSH normal range isn’t normal
Am I hypothyroid? Why doesn’t my doctor know?
Am I hypothyroid? How do I know if I have have hypothyroidism? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gFRqQvO_wE&t=2s In this post I am going to answer your question of “am I hypothyroid, or do I have some degree of hypothyroidism?” If you stick around to the end of ... Read More about Am I hypothyroid? Why doesn’t my doctor know?