Adrenal Fatigue, Low Cortisol, and Blood Sugar

Low cortisol, adrenal fatigue, and blood sugar are all intimately related. I’ve been following some threads recently, and I’ve noticed some common themes. It seems like so many people have a component of anxiety with their fatigue symptoms. The classic “tired and wired”. Is this you? The reason may lie in the way that your […]

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance basically presents with two distinct body shapes, heavy and slender. Which are you? We know that the estrogen levels themselves don’t define estrogen dominance, but the relationship of estrogen to progesterone. It’s the ratio of the two hormones that defines the state, not the absolute values. Estrogen Dominance Categories Understand that these are […]

Toxins: A Practical Review

Toxins are substances that are harmful to the human body, and can be found in a variety of places, including food, water, air, and everyday products. They can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, and absorption through the skin, and can lead to a range of health problems, from minor irritations to serious illnesses. Toxins […]

Breathe Deeply: Why Breath Drives All Health

One of the most fundamental steps to all health and wellness is in learning how to breathe, and then actually doing it. It is such a basic practice, and so easily overlooked. Breathing not only allows us to deliver oxygen, our most important nutrient, to our cells. It also changes the rate at which our […]

Dietary Supplements: Quality Counts!

All dietary supplements are not created equal. What you see here a screenshot from my favorite supplement manufacturer, Thorne labs. I have toured their facility and was impressed by the quality control, cleanliness, and attention to detail. I have also used Thorne products with my patients for a decade and have seen changes in both […]

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue in Females

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue in females are different from those in males. In many ways, the presentation between the two sexes overlaps. This blog will show you the ways in which a female may develop, and thus heal from, adrenal fatigue differently. But first, let’s discuss the similar jobs the adrenals hold in males and […]

Is Your Alternative Medicine Provider the Best?

Are you getting the best in alternative medicine? I know that this post is going to rankle some, but hear me out. As a MD who has cared for thousands using Functional Medicine principles for more than a decade, I have seen the pain patients experience when they have entrusted their care to less-than-capable providers. […]

A New Paradigm on Mental Health

  May the new year bring hope, optimism for new opportunities, and a brighter future to the world. Covid, politics, climate change and instant connectivity have all made the past few years challenging, and unique in the history of humans.   With these challenges, our collective mental health has been pushed to its limit. There […]

Why your TSH normal range isn’t normal

Have you been told that your TSH is normal when you know that it’s really not normal? I’m guessing that the picture looks something like this: You went to your doctor’s office with legitimate complaints. You may have been struggling with weight gain, fatigue, cognitive changes, mood changes, depression. Perhaps you presented with constipation, or […]

Am I hypothyroid? Why doesn’t my doctor know?

Am I hypothyroid? How do I know if I have have hypothyroidism?   In this post I am going to answer your question of “am I hypothyroid, or do I have some degree of hypothyroidism?” If you stick around to the end of this post, you’re going to have all the tools that you […]