Precision Medicine: the Future of Medicine
Precision medicine, the future of medicine, starts here. And I am super-excited to share this! I have been using this systematic approach with my patients for a decade. People get better. They turn around so many conditions. And the most exciting thing is that you don’t need to be a doctor to use it. The […]
Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue in Females
Symptoms of adrenal fatigue in females are different from those in males. In many ways, the presentation between the two sexes overlaps. This blog will show you the ways in which a female may develop, and thus heal from, adrenal fatigue differently. But first, let’s discuss the similar jobs the adrenals hold in males and […]
Is Your Alternative Medicine Provider the Best?
Are you getting the best in alternative medicine? I know that this post is going to rankle some, but hear me out. As a MD who has cared for thousands using Functional Medicine principles for more than a decade, I have seen the pain patients experience when they have entrusted their care to less-than-capable providers. […]
Estrogen Dominance: Why, How and What to do About it.
One of the common themes that I have seen in social media is the association of estrogen dominance with adrenal fatigue. Now, I don’t like the term adrenal fatigue because it’s not medically accurate, but I’ll use it here for convenience. The important thing is to understand how this relates to the adrenal glands, because […]
Supplement Wisely: Four Important Factors
If you want to supplement wisely, ask yourself this question. Are your supplements helping you or hurting you? I read a Facebook post today that presented that question, and wanted to weigh in. To begin with, all of our supplements should be supplemental. This means that their use should be to replace deficiencies, or to […]
Why your TSH normal range isn’t normal
Have you been told that your TSH is normal when you know that it’s really not normal? I’m guessing that the picture looks something like this: You went to your doctor’s office with legitimate complaints. You may have been struggling with weight gain, fatigue, cognitive changes, mood changes, depression. Perhaps you presented with constipation, or […]
Am I hypothyroid? Why doesn’t my doctor know?
Am I hypothyroid? How do I know if I have have hypothyroidism? In this post I am going to answer your question of “am I hypothyroid, or do I have some degree of hypothyroidism?” If you stick around to the end of this post, you’re going to have all the tools that you […]