How to get well in 403 words. Here’s a quick primer that will get you on the path to health and healing.

When I work with my patients, we address their health systematically.

Nutrition First

I always first consider the nutritional status. Simply put, we need the right nutrients, minerals, vitamins, etc. so that our biochemistry is optimized. For example, you could have a brand-new car. But lacking a spark plug, it won’t run well. You can’t have a dead battery or too much oil in the crankcase. The body works the same way with nutrition. You don’t want too little magnesium; you don’t want to have too much iron.

Energy Balancing

Next, we need to make good measurements to know our cortisol, insulin and thyroid status. Get your thyroid spot-on. Enough of this mainstream “oh, your TSH of 4 is normal” garbage. Know what your four-part salivary curve is, and what it means. A fasting insulin should be under 10 and ideally under 5. All three of these hormones work together collectively. They’re a tightly-knit unit for how our body distributes energy stores.

Gut Health to Detoxify

Next, take steps to make your gut healthy. When your gut works, you are optimizing neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA– both calming. You are able to detox your estr0gens and xenobiotics. You just feel better. You’ll have a nice poop daily if not 3x.

Hormone Health

And finally, we have our sex hormones. Sex hormones are like the “icing on the cake” for humans. If we are busy just surviving, super-stressed, and toxic with a dysfunctional gut, don’t be surprised if the quality of your ovulation and libido are down. Nature always puts a premium on survival over nookie. In this stressed state, ovulatory patterns favor lowered fertility, lowered luteal phase progesterone, and overall estrogen dominance.


Inflammation connects all of these systems. It’s the “tie that binds” all illness, all disease, and all aging. We want to be able to mount an inflammatory response. But equally important is the ability to turn it off.

But here’s what’s cool. I believe that smart, motivated people like you can learn, follow, and apply these systems. In the near future, you will have the tools to be your own doctor, and to heal yourself naturally without drugs. Programs are in development to prove this works, and we’ll support and refine these practices with computer learning. The future of medicine is today, in groups like this.

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