Sex Hormone Measurement: What’s the Best Way?

There are four ways that we can measure hormones in the human body: blood (serum), urine, blood spot, and tissues. A biopsy may give the most accurate levels of one’s hormone levels in the breast or endometrium. While such measurements are possible for sex hormone, they aren’t practical, or commonly performed, but for very select […]

Estrogen Detoxification: Know the Flow

I wanted to do a piece to clarify the estrogen detoxification process. We all know that estrogen needs to be detoxified, but what does this really mean? When does it become “toxic” and what can we do about it? The best place to start is by defining a toxin. In short, a toxin is any […]

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance basically presents with two distinct body shapes, heavy and slender. Which are you? We know that the estrogen levels themselves don’t define estrogen dominance, but the relationship of estrogen to progesterone. It’s the ratio of the two hormones that defines the state, not the absolute values. Estrogen Dominance Categories Understand that these are […]

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue in Females

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue in females are different from those in males. In many ways, the presentation between the two sexes overlaps. This blog will show you the ways in which a female may develop, and thus heal from, adrenal fatigue differently. But first, let’s discuss the similar jobs the adrenals hold in males and […]

Is My Menstrual Cycle Normal?

Are your periods normal? For so many women, this is a subject of that causes a good deal of confusion.  This post will help to clarify things. As a Gynecologist, I like to broadly consider three different stages that women go through over the course of their reproductive lives. Fatigue and adrenal dysfunction frequently present […]

Birth Control Pills and Fatigue.

Are your birth control pills causing your fatigue (and depression, anxiety, insomnia, low libido, weight gain, mood changes, pelvic discomfort…?) This world is filled with women who are unnecessarily suffering from the side effects of their hormonal contraception. The purpose of this post is to help you to understand the truth behind birth control pills, […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Women

I have been following posts about hormone replacement therapy in various Facebook groups, and have seen some unsettling comments. As a doctor, I have seen so many cases of women being put on what I believe to be the wrong hormones, at the wrong dosages, and for the wrong reasons. And Facebook just corroborates this. […]

Estrogen Dominance: Why, How and What to do About it.

One of the common themes that I have seen in social media is the association of estrogen dominance with adrenal fatigue. Now, I don’t like the term adrenal fatigue because it’s not medically accurate, but I’ll use it here for convenience. The important thing is to understand how this relates to the adrenal glands, because […]

Pregnenolone: Do We Need to be Taking it?

So many people taking pregnenolone! I posted recently that I personally didn’t use it in my patient population because I didn’t feel that there was good research in humans to support its use. So I thought I would return to the literature to see if this still held true. I’ll show you what I’ve found […]

Hormone Therapy to End Fatigue (and Feel Better)

Hormone replacement. Testosterone replacement. Bioidentical hormones. Hormone therapy. T therapy. Sex hormones. Hormone pellets.

Do any of these words sound familiar to you? Perhaps you are using a hormone, or hormones, that have been prescribed by your doctor.