The practice of “modern” medicine troubles me. I have seen so many people hurt by the cascading use of more and more medications. Yes, it is a way; but it’s not the only way.
As a physician who practices a functional medicine, I formerly believed that I was promoting “alternative” medicine. I now realize that the style of medicine I practice is actually augmented. Mainstream MDs could use to think more like Functional Medicine doctors by opening their minds to modern science and research. But they’re stifled. We can help.
Satisfying a set of hierarchical systems brings the body to a state of optimal function. They are based on biology, physiology, biochemistry, reproducibility, and some common sense. For example, some aspects of our physiology– say our gut– need to be working before we can undertake other processes such as detoxification.
Trying to detoxify without a functioning gut is impossible. Maintaining a healthy gut lining will never happen under high stress and consistently high cortisol. We will never regenerate this critical single-cell barrier every 3-4 days without the correct nutrients, enzymatic cofactors, amino acids, and fats. Everything is connected.
Functional Medicine and Practice Should Be Available to All
And the real beauty of this approach is that it is accessible to the general public. Implementation and access is at your fingertips.
My personal and professional mission is to educate people by providing solid science, actionable resources and then following changes with computer learning. With this data, we the public will begin to educate our physicians through the “back door.”
Mainstream doctors will begin to listen when several patients show up a week, complete thyroid panels in hand, saying, “Doc, I’ve been telling you for years that my TSH of 3 isn’t normal, and neither is my dry hair, fatigue, and constipation.
“I went online, and I ordered a study myself that shows that my free hormones, T3 and T4 are way off the chart low, in spite of my normal TSH.”
“Here are copies of a few papers that show the health benefits of optimized thyroid hormone. Will you please help me now that we have additional information?”
When the Student Becomes a Teacher
Here is where providers are going to have to begin to listen. We’ll teach them “through the back door.” It the only way they’ll learn.
God knows the FDA, Medical Schools and Big Pharm aren’t teaching doctors how to think more expansively. It’s a pity.
I am developing an ethical, patient-focused process that’s based in science, systems, and common sense. It is clear, simple, and cost effective. If anyone out there wants to connect and discuss this, let me know your thoughts.