Intermittent Fasting; Simplified

I have seen several posts recently about the use of intermittent fasting as a dietary practice. I think it’s important to understand that calorie restriction is part of the bigger picture, and for many, particularly those with fatigue, it may not be the best choice.   One of the only interventions that has been consistently […]

The Cause of all Disease: Simplified

Too often in natural health, we jump on the latest supplement trend diet, fad, or guru, and give it a whirl. But too often we fail to understand our physiology works from an ancestral perspective. To begin with, humans are remarkably well built for survival, and historically our greatest stressor has not been crappy bosses, […]

Precision Medicine: the Future of Medicine

Precision medicine, the future of medicine, starts here. And I am super-excited to share this! I have been using this systematic approach with my patients for a decade. People get better. They turn around so many conditions. And the most exciting thing is that you don’t need to be a doctor to use it. The […]

Why your TSH normal range isn’t normal

Have you been told that your TSH is normal when you know that it’s really not normal? I’m guessing that the picture looks something like this: You went to your doctor’s office with legitimate complaints. You may have been struggling with weight gain, fatigue, cognitive changes, mood changes, depression. Perhaps you presented with constipation, or […]

Am I hypothyroid? Why doesn’t my doctor know?

Am I hypothyroid? How do I know if I have have hypothyroidism?   In this post I am going to answer your question of “am I hypothyroid, or do I have some degree of hypothyroidism?” If you stick around to the end of this post, you’re going to have all the tools that you […]