Precision Medicine: the Future of Medicine

Precision medicine, the future of medicine, starts here. And I am super-excited to share this! I have been using this systematic approach with my patients for a decade. People get better. They turn around so many conditions. And the most exciting thing is that you don’t need to be a doctor to use it. The […]

Nutritional Supplements: Benefit or Risk?

My mother is an elderly woman who uses some focused nutritional supplements. I received a distressed call from her recently after she listened to a geriatric specialist describe the “holistic” approach that his clinic was using with their patients. She agreed that a “holistic” clinic for aging adults made sense. The clinic supported strength, community, […]

The Art of Lab Testing

When I saw this post, I almost wanted to scream. This is so wrong on so many levels. If there’s an art of lab testing, this is akin to a kindergarten hand-painting. I’m speaking as a Functional Medicine doc who has dedicated himself to this practice for more than a decade, so hear me out. […]