Sex Hormone Measurement: What’s the Best Way?

There are four ways that we can measure hormones in the human body: blood (serum), urine, blood spot, and tissues. A biopsy may give the most accurate levels of one’s hormone levels in the breast or endometrium. While such measurements are possible for sex hormone, they aren’t practical, or commonly performed, but for very select […]

Thryroid Hormone Function: Management Techniques

Thyroid hormone function modulates our metabolism, and is a critical part of our body’s ability to adapt to different environments. Its proper fucntion, and medical management, is essential to all aspects of health. When food is plentiful and stress is low, we can run our engines a bit hotter. We have more calories; there’s more […]

Estrogen Detoxification for Hormonal Health

What is estrogen detoxification? So much of “adrenal fatigue” is associated with an estrogen/progesterone imbalance in women. I saw a comment on a post recently asking how to lower an elevated estrogen level, and I thought I’d offer my perspectives. Incidentally, estrogen is super-important in men, too. It follows the “Goldilocks Principle”—we want it to […]

Estrogen Dominance: Why, How and What to do About it.

One of the common themes that I have seen in social media is the association of estrogen dominance with adrenal fatigue. Now, I don’t like the term adrenal fatigue because it’s not medically accurate, but I’ll use it here for convenience. The important thing is to understand how this relates to the adrenal glands, because […]