Sex Hormone Measurement: What’s the Best Way?

There are four ways that we can measure hormones in the human body: blood (serum), urine, blood spot, and tissues. A biopsy may give the most accurate levels of one’s hormone levels in the breast or endometrium. While such measurements are possible, they aren’t practical, or commonly performed, but for very select circumstances. Serum: This […]

Thryroid Hormone Function: Management Techniques

Thyroid hormone function modulates our metabolism, and is a critical part of our body’s ability to adapt to different environments. Its proper fucntion, and medical management, is essential to all aspects of health. When food is plentiful and stress is low, we can run our engines a bit hotter. We have more calories; there’s more […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Women

I have been following posts about hormone replacement therapy in various Facebook groups, and have seen some unsettling comments. As a doctor, I have seen so many cases of women being put on what I believe to be the wrong hormones, at the wrong dosages, and for the wrong reasons. And Facebook just corroborates this. […]