Did everyone have a healthy New Year filled with family, friends and good food?

In recent posts, I offered some actionable steps to help readers to be more healthy through detoxification.

I suggested some simple actions to help you to reconcile this toxic world in which we live. We all have some degree of environmental toxicity; we can’t avoid it. But we can control the toxins we voluntarily consume. And we can make the decision to become less toxic.

When we better understand our relationship with something, we can make more informed decisions about it.

What can you change to become more healthy and to feel better?

Sometimes the crucial first step towards a transformation is to identify that there is a problem. By naming the problem, we can then take steps to change it. In our modern world, it is so easy to have our decisions and thinking overtaken by external forces.

The media, food technologists and Internet vendors each have an idea of how we should be living. Typically this view is structured to benefit the seller, company and stockholders. Sadly, I fear that little is truly directed towards our personal growth and health.

Of course, this is not how the messages are packaged. There are so many commercial promotions that are dressed up, and guaranteed to make you a better person. If only it was so easy to remove wrinkles, lose 30 pounds, have sex like you did in college, and reverse aging.

Ask yourself a single question. Then become your best

For 2019, I would challenge you to step aside for a moment, and to reflect upon something that you would like to change.

Rest assured, there is no single supplement, program or nutrient that will make you more healthy

You can do all of this. But it is going to take some effort and focus

Make this a “snap” decision. What is the first thing that comes to your mind? Did you immediately think “I would like to lose some weight?”

Or did you ask yourself, “Is there a way that I could have more energy?”

Snap! What would you change if you could change something today?

To simply say “things aren’t great” isn’t going to cut it. Name what is concerning you. Call it out. Give it a label. Acknowledge it.

As humans we have never been successful at battling imaginary or indistinct foes. As a species we do well with a focus.

Columbus probably didn’t just set out across the Atlantic Ocean. I am sure that he had a plan that was a little more specific than to just “head West.”

So look over the following list, and see if there is something that you would like to address in the coming months. Name it. Make it a priority, and stick to it.

Make a decision for a healthy New Year right now!

Do you want to


Do it. Commit. Name it, and believe in your ability to make a change. You may have a sizeable journey ahead, but one thing’s for sure.

It’s not nearly as large as the Atlantic Ocean.


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